The Marketing Society’s Change Makers Conference 2021
An inspirational day yesterday at the The Marketing Society ChangeMakersConference
A lot was covered in the talks...but there were some stand out points:
Nobody can accurately see the future (more than 150 days out)
(Margaret Heffernan)
Change is a given.
We need to embrace change, learn from it and as a result, all benefit from it (Asad ur Rehman)
How to prepare for the future?
The best way to predict the future is to create it (Tyrona (Ty) Heath)
How do we do that as companies and people?
Move from 'Thought Leadership, to Action Leadership" (Tyrona (Ty) Heath)
Decide what you want to see/do. Then make it true. Then say it (Greg Jackson)
Use data, but bring back human judgement and creativity (Margaret Heffernan)
Through collaboration we can achieve what we didn't think was possible (Sir Andrew Pollard)
And why...Because we need to leave behind something better than we found it (Emily Chang)
There is hope. We don’t have to be passive victims. We can mend and repair (Sir Tim Smit)...
With a little bit of Optimistic Futurism (Jeremy White)
Thank you Sophie Devonshire and the Marketing Society Team.