A “Quick Conversation” with Chris Dunne at The Marketing Society Global Conference, Changemakers Impact

Chris Dunne: (Head of Marketing at Thinkbox, CEO of Outvertising):

🤝 The Key 🔑 "Getting to know each other better"

This is the next of "The Key 🔑 : Quick Conversations 🎤" at The Marketing Society's Global Conference: Changemakers Impact...which was hugely Impactful!! 💥

Working with The Marketing Society team, I was the 🎤 Roving Reporter 🎤 and managed to have 16 (excellent) "Quick Conversations 🎤 " with a fantastic group of people, who were all up for sharing their thoughts on:

1️⃣ What is the key to successful relationships within business to create IMPACT?

2️⃣ Why does marketing matter?

❗And here is the 3rd in the series!

Chris Dunne's's answer was "Getting to know each other better" and further expanded on that by saying:

1️⃣ RELATIONSHIPS TO CREATE IMPACT: 🤝 "We all know about the power of trust, communication and mutual respect...but I think so often we don't stop to get to know the people were working with a little better...The frictions, the disagreements, the misunderstandings, they all dissipate when you understand the human beings a little better."

2️⃣ WHY DOES MARKETING MATTER: 💥 " It can change the world...I think that we can be very flippant about what we do...we're not rescuing people from burning buildings, but what we do can create seismic behavioural change and that can improve lots of different parts of the world....we should be very proud about the work we do and strive for that."

Thank you to Chris Dunne for the Quick Conversation 🎤 , your valuable insights and The Marketing Society Team, Sophie Devonshire⚡️, Rachel Letham (Montague-Ebbs), Milena Spranger for such a great conference and the opportunity to report whilst roving!


“The Key - Quick Conversations”: Karen Wilkinson (Evergreen Garden)


Happy Christmas & New Year…and Thank You!