A “Quick Conversation” with Syl Saller at The Marketing Society Global Conference Changemakers Impact

"The Key to Successful Business Relationships is Trust & Vulnerability" (Syl Saller)

"The Key 🔑 : Quick Conversations 🎤"  was at The Marketing Society Global Conference: Changemakers Impact 💥

Working with The Marketing Society team, I was the 🎤 Roving Reporter 🎤 and managed to have 16 (very enjoyable) "Quick Conversations 🎤 " with a fantastic group of people, who were all up for sharing their thoughts on:

1️⃣ What is the key to successful relationships within business?

2️⃣ How has this helped create IMPACT in your marketing?

And here is the first one!

Syl's answer was Trust and Vulnerability and further expanded on that by saying:

"This is what really connects people and creates that emotional glue between you...and it is highly underrated"

Syl pointed out that the cornerstone to business success is the relationship within a team that enables them to execute effectively.

Thank you to Syl for the quick conversation and your valuable insights, and the marketing society for such a great conference and the opportunity to report whilst roving!


“The Key - Quick Conversations”: Alex Best (Wonderhood Studios)


Booster Runs PR, Social & Influencer Pitch for Evergreen Garden Care (owners of Miracle Gro, Roundup & more)