“The Key”: Larissa Vince
This week we are thankful to have Larissa Vince, the CEO of TBWA\London (tbwalondon.com), as our contributor to Booster Insights’ “The Key” 🔑
Larissa describes her role at TBWA: “Create an environment that supports the agency team to do the best work of their lives” #inspiring
What is the key to Strong Client, Agency Relationships? (in 3 words or less):
”Mutual Confidence"
Please expand on this (In 100 words or less):
“With budgets under increasing pressure and appetite for risk in short supply, the best relationships feed off, and breed mutual confidence. From the agency, confidence in a shared belief with their client that creative excellence can drive business change. From the client, confidence that the agency understands their brands and the best way to bring them to life creatively. From both, confidence in each other that they will hold hands whatever challenges (and there will be challenges) raise their heads. Mutual confidence is a game changer for relationships, and the path to transformational work..”
What is your longest Client-Agency relationship?
Nissan: 25 years and counting (and adidas are 21 years and counting!)
Thank you for sharing your considered insights Larissa!
“The Key” 🔑
Nick founded Booster wanting to help create and maintain relationships between Agencies and Clients.
Booster focuses on this because we believe better work and therefore better business results, are possible with better relationships.
We have frequent conversations with Clients and Agencies about the key to successful relationships, and wanted to share some of what we discuss.
So, through "Booster Insights" we have the great pleasure of sharing a regular insight from Agencies, Clients and other relevant and interesting people we are connecting with.