“The Key - Quick Conversations”: Rania Robinson (Quiet Storm)
The Key🔑: Rania Robinson ⚡ "Consistency of excellence" = 16 years of HARIBO UK!
⚡ This week we have the brilliant Rania Robinson, CEO of Quiet Storm Agency, being interviewed by Nick Elliott for "The Key🔑- Quick Conversations 🎤" .
Sharing with us what "The Key 🔑 " is to successful Client-Agency relationships.
Rania Robinson elaborates on The Key being "Consistency of excellence" with:
🏅 🏅 🏅 "Because of course, trust comes from consistency and knowing that every single time you're going to support the brand in the way it should be, and that's delivering fantastic work, that delivers brilliant results."
When I asked about a particular Client this rings true for, Rania Robinson shared:
🍬 🧸 "...the one I'm probably most proud of is 16 years of working with HARIBO UK of which we've delivered 10 years of the 'Kids Voices' campaign....in 25 markets around the world"
🎬 A great "Kids' Voices" 10 year anniversary film here: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/haribo-international_haribohighlights-activity-7285234306602401792-HZNX?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop
And to see how well "Kids' Voices" performs...check out System1 1's GLOWING report from Andrew Tindall and the Team here: https://system1group.com/ad-of-the-week/a-decade-of-effectiveness-for-haribos-kids-voices?utm_content=288488330&utm_medium=social&utm_source=linkedin&hss_channel=lcp-51021
💥 Thank you Rania for a great "Quick Conversation"