“The Key - Quick Conversations”: Charles Faircloth (Who Wot Why)

The Key 🔑: With Charles Faircloth, Joint MD of Who Wot Why London Agency

⚡ "Empathy & Adaptability"

🔑 🔑 Two great Keys from Charles Faircloth:

1️⃣ Empathy: "To really get under the skin of the clients' businesses and be empathetic with the kind of pressures on those individuals and that business. it is incredibly valuable from an agency's perspective for clients to also have some understanding or willingness to understand how that agency makes its own money and how it employs its own staff. Because ultimately that keeps the relationship as buoyant and positive as possible if both sides are willing to have a little bit of empathy towards each other."

2️⃣ Adaptability: "You've got to be able to understand and adapt, as things change in either individual relationships or the within the business"

🔥 I think the empathy from BOTH sides is a great point to call out. This rings very true with the strong theme of collaboration we have heard throughout this series.

Charles Faircloth also shared some great recent work that is a result of their Empathy & Adaptability for The Tofoo Co and had this to say about it:

☯️ "it really did come from spending time with the founders. Really understanding what drives their business and the barriers for people purchasing, and then a willingness I guess from their side to buy what I think is incredibly brave and strong work that's been great in market."

👀 See the very bold outdoor work here: https://www.whowotwhy.com/tofoo

Thank you Charles for the "Quick Conversation 🎤 " and backdrop of very full awards shelves!!


“The Key - Quick Conversations”: Mays Elansari