“The Key - Quick Conversations”: Jo Juber

⛪ A mini-St Pauls version of The Key 🔑: With Jo Juber

🔑 🔑 🔑 The Keys to successful Client and Agency relationships:

1️⃣ Language,

2️⃣ Acknowledge it's hard

3️⃣ Leadership

⚖️ Jo Juber is an independent brand and marketing strategist and consultant and has worked both Client and Agency side, so is very well placed to impart wisdom on this with us, especially because in her own words, she has experienced "The good the bad and the ugly"

🟰 Before getting into the Keys, Jo had some other great points that "great outcomes start with knowing it is a relationship of equals...and mutual respect is incredibly important."

☀️ Also, we get into the use of language below, and what I loved was how Jo talked about focussing on 'what makes the relationship joyous'. I love the ambition in that phrase. That we can absolutely strive for 'joyous'.

Why the hell not right?!

So, Jo's great Keys:

1️⃣ 🔤 Language: "Language is important...Words have power. So things like 'Client' and 'Supplier' should probably be banished forever from the lexicon...supplies is something you get from the stationary cupboard...Language is so important when you're trying to create any sort of form of positive change"

2️⃣ 💪 Acknowledging it's hard: "It's important to acknowledge it is hard and put in the leg work. First of all, in making sure that you have a good chemistry in the first place and continue to, is how you maintain that chemistry"

3️⃣ 🎓 Leadership: "It's really important for Agency and Client leaders to role model that mutual respect...From a client perspective, the agency are not a supplier who are subservient to you. You need them as much as they need you. And for agency, the client is not a moron. There's incredible expertise within all client organisations, that really understand their business and their product."

🔥 A wonderfully honest and insightful view into this important topic. I agree with everything Jo has said and want to stress her final point about leadership. Every leader sets the tone and approach for their teams. This is how culture is initiated and perpetuated. The importance of it can't be stated enough.

🙏 Thank you so much Jo for the "Quick Conversation 🎤 " with our backdrop of a tiny St Pauls!!


“The Key - Quick Conversations”: Charles Faircloth (Who Wot Why)