“The Key - Quick Conversations”: Nicky Bullard (MullenLowe Group UK)

🐙 💥: Nicky Bullard "Ditch the term 'Client Service'"

This week we have Nicky Bullard, the Chief Creative Officer of MullenLowe UK being interviewed by Nick Elliott from Booster Consulting Limited for "The Key🔑- Quick Conversations 🎤" .

Sharing with us what "The Key 🔑 " is to successful Client-Agency relationships.

Nicky Bullard's view of ditching the term "Client Services" could sound controversial but aligns with a lot of what we hear from Clients and Agencies alike, who want a more collaborative relationship that is more of a partnership.

⚖️ Nicky explained "I think, it's ditching the term 'client service.' It makes an imbalance in the relationship and I think as an industry we are a creative and relationship industry. 🔥 So I think it's that...we're not 'in service' of our Clients, we're here to make fantastic work and make a difference."

🧪 And regarding how that relationship is created: "it starts from great chemistry. And I think that's such a human thing, it's not a business thing. So when you find somebody who's in tune with you and vice versa, it can work brilliantly...when it happens, it's magic" ✨

⌨️ An example of this in action is the breakthrough work MullenLowe UK have done with RNIB's Martin Wingfield stressing the importance of Alt Text for blind and partially sighted people.

Link to the RNIB work: https://www.mullenlowe.co.uk/insights/rnib-mullenlowe-alt-text

🐙 Thank you Nicky for a wonderful "Quick Conversation 🎤 " and backdrop of the new(ish) MullenLowe UK (3 x Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity Lions winning!) branding! 🏆


“The Key - Quick Converstations”: Emily Gray (Untangld Strategy Studio)


“The Key - Quick Conversations”: Karen Wilkinson (Evergreen Garden)